Diving into Trouble – expected publication date July 12, 2017
Cover blurb:
A submarine, a one-night-stand, and a forbidden workplace romance…
Kurt Garland is at a crossroads: sign for another two years as a submariner or leave and rejoin civilian life. With only weeks to make up his mind, he’s torn between the financial stability and mateship of life in the Navy, and the freedom and balance outside of the military. With big life decisions on the line, Kurt needs space to think, so a one-night-stand with a sexy stranger is all he can commit to. Until his sexy stranger shows up on his submarine…
Getting accepted into the Submarine Corps was an enormous career goal for Rainy Miller, and she has no intention of screwing it up. A Marine Technician for the last eight years in the surface fleet, Rainy craves the new challenges of a submariner. With her training complete, she’s about to join a boat for the first time, and her career relies on a good impression. When her one night stand shows up in the galley, she has to shut it down, walk away, pretend it never happened. But all submariners know that secrets don’t stay secret for long on a sub.
Now for the good stuff:
I will admit to being shallow when it comes to the reason why I chose this book to read on Netgalley. Come on, isn’t that a smoking hot cover?? And then when I read the description and found out it was about two people in the (Australian) Navy who work on a submarine? Bonus! I’m a total sucker for military romances, and throw in they are both bubbleheads, even better!
Now, I’ve never been in the military (obviously, if you’ve seen me…) but my brother-in-law was on a sub, and I’ve read a lot of books about them. And before you make cracks, yes NOT just romance novels! (If you want to scare the crap out of yourself sometime read ‘Cry from the Deep’ about the sinking of the Kursk, or anything about the Scorpion or the Thresher.) Obviously I knew that Rainy and Kurt were most likely not going to be joining the Mile Deep club…hmm, must research if that really exists…I digress. But I really wanted to see how they would handle having started a relationship before finding out that they have to serve together in a pressurized tube, surrounded by their crewmates.
(I really, really wanted to say seamen there, but I managed to refrain.)
I think the one thing that really surprised me was that neither Kurt or Rainy had a stereotypical posting on the boat. Kurt was the chef in charge of the galley and Rainy a marine technician, which I’m guessing is the equivalent to an engineer in the USN. I thought this was a great twist that was not an issue for either of them, which I almost expected it to be. (In most military romances, the man is always in more of an ‘alpha male’ role.)
For the most part, their relationship is kept off the boat which I thought was a good choice by the author. I think if anything HAD happened, that would have turned the book into a DNF for me because while I can suspend reality while reading, that would have just been too much. That’s not to say they didn’t get busy while off duty and the boat, and that worked great for me!
Shona is a new author for me, so I am definitely looking forward to reading more from her. I’m hoping she’ll continue this as a series, especially as I would really like to know more about Blue, hint hint!